CESAM – Centro de estudos do Ambiente e do Mar & Fiocruz – Fundação Oswaldo Cruz with PICTIS – Plataforma Internacional para Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação em Saúde
DFA Team
Cristina Monteiro
"Bichos de cá, Bichos de lá" Exhibition
Design and development of a modular exhibition system.
Production and assembly of structures for the exhibition.
Design of the exhibition brand, graphic composition of posters and production of the exhibition panels in collaboration with the researchers involved.
The modular system was developed to allow the production in different settings: at the same time the exhibition also was produced and presented in Brazil and Mozambique.

Design Factory Aveiro is a strategic unit of the PCI Creative Science Park, and its main vocation is the articulation between research and industry.
@ copyright Design Factory Aveiro 2023