2020 & 2021-2022
AMA, Agência para a Modernização da Administração Pública
DFA Team
José Leite
Bárbara Cruz
João Paulino
Gisela Pinheiro
Vera Cunha
Miguel Mingote
Self-Service Accelerator LABx
The “Self-Service Accelerator” project, carried out in partnership with LabX – Laboratory for Public Administration Experimentation, aimed to facilitate citizens’ access to Digital Public Services (DPS), enabling them to carry out these services autonomously. Aimed at a specific audience, the project sought to create a solution with a combination of physical component, technical equipment and user experience in DPS.
The approach included co-creation sessions with citizens to generate ideas and essential requirements, followed by a cycle of experimentation with low-fidelity prototypes, tested in a simulated shopping centre environment in the DFA studio. During this cycle, challenges were identified and the parameters and physical characteristics of the solution were stabilised. Teachers and researchers from the University of Aveiro were involved in the project, namely from the Department of Communication and Art.
The results include the materialisation of two low-fidelity prototypes, establishing essential parameters for the solution. Despite the limitations imposed by the pandemic, the project managed to fulfil the planned stages, from co-creation to experimentation with the prototypes. The project culminated in the identification of important guidelines for future developments in the area of self-service in digital public services. These guidelines were then applied to the second phase of collaboration, with the development of two high-fidelity prototypes for testing implementation and use in a real environment, in an IPDJ building in Coimbra, developed between November 2021 – February 2022.
Reports have been published by LabX – Laboratório de Experimentação da Administração Pública, available at:

Design Factory Aveiro is a strategic unit of the PCI Creative Science Park, and its main vocation is the articulation between research and industry.
@ copyright Design Factory Aveiro 2023